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First Time Patient?

You may be interested is looking at the following pages:

Some common pain areas shown in a clickable image to give you more infomation.



Please download and complete our New Patient Form. Thank you.


Congratulations on receiving theLifetime Achievement Award from teh College of Canadian Chiropractors [?]. 

You have been a great advocate for the health benefits provided by chiropractors. Not only that, you have advocated for you patients to make sure that they have received the best care from all branches of the health system.

Your professional care has enabled us, your patients, to lead a more normal life with a lots less pain!!!!! Thanks for caring and curing us in our times of greatest pain!!!!!!! This award is well deserved - once again congratulations ! 

Your client, friend, fellow bridge player,

JIll Greenham

Favourite Testimony

Congratulations on receiving theLifetime Achievement Award from teh College of Canadian Chiropractors [?]. 

You have been a great advocate for the health benefits provided by chiropractors. Not only that, you have advocated for you patients to make sure that they have received the best care from all branches of the health system.

Your professional care has enabled us, your patients, to lead a more normal life with a lots less pain!!!!! Thanks for caring and curing us in our times of greatest pain!!!!!!! This award is well deserved - once again congratulations ! 

Your client, friend, fellow bridge player,

JIll Greenham

Common Pain Areas

Click the hot-spots below to learn about specific issues relating to that area.
These Hot-Spots provide small sketches of information for your interest.
To make an appointment please either call (902)-254-3232 or use our online form.
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