Pain affecting your day to day life?

You need to see Dr. Parker. Chiropractor.

Call (902)-254-3232 for appointments

Is This Your First Visit?

First Time Patient?

You may be interested is looking at the following pages:

Some common pain areas shown in a clickable image to give you more infomation.



Please download and complete our New Patient Form. Thank you.


We can and will help you with the processing and  paper work of your chiropractic health care coverage with your insurance carrier. Insurance carriers listed with Telus health ™  pay your coverage portions directly to Dr. Parker, reducing your out-of-pocket expenses to just your portion of the programme. Witty Claim Video.


SHOCKWAVE THERAPY...exciting, cutting-edge therapy designed to eliminate pathological changes within tendons, ligaments, capsules and muscles!  Staying current means offering the best ancillary therapy that will support your chiropractic care; Dr. Parker continues to be a leader in bringing you modern developments in restorative health care products.  To learn about this modality you can go on line or call Dr. Parker with your questions:  902-254-3232.


Congratulations on receiving theLifetime Achievement Award from teh College of Canadian Chiropractors [?]. 

You have been a great advocate for the health benefits provided by chiropractors. Not only that, you have advocated for you patients to make sure that they have received the best care from all branches of the health system.

Your professional care has enabled us, your patients, to lead a more normal life with a lots less pain!!!!! Thanks for caring and curing us in our times of greatest pain!!!!!!! This award is well deserved - once again congratulations ! 

Your client, friend, fellow bridge player,

JIll Greenham

Favourite Testimony

Congratulations on receiving theLifetime Achievement Award from teh College of Canadian Chiropractors [?]. 

You have been a great advocate for the health benefits provided by chiropractors. Not only that, you have advocated for you patients to make sure that they have received the best care from all branches of the health system.

Your professional care has enabled us, your patients, to lead a more normal life with a lots less pain!!!!! Thanks for caring and curing us in our times of greatest pain!!!!!!! This award is well deserved - once again congratulations ! 

Your client, friend, fellow bridge player,

JIll Greenham


Hello and welcome to my Chiropractic office website.

I'm Dr. Mary-Irene Parker and my professional and personal goal is to improve the overall wellbeing of my patients.

I use my Chiropractic skills and over 30 years of experience supported by modern ancillary therapy modalities and devices to design an integrated health care programme to address your individual health care needs.  I will work to relieve the pain of your sports injury, your slip-trip-and-fall low back pain, your over-use syndrome after gardening too long in the spring or shoveling too long in winter.  Together you and I will address the discomforts and pain of your work-related injury, the strains, bruises and pain of your vehicle accident as well as the tensions of day-to-day stresses.  
Questions?  You can call 902-254-3232
Or, while you are here at the web site you can glance through the highlighted links
I have picked them myself to help you find answers to  your problems and questions.  
Dr. Parker at 2015 Pan Am Games
Would you like information about your problem?  If you click the yellow dot, Common Pain Areas, to the left, you will be provided with a helpful image that indicates red hot-spots; each hot-spot will give you information about that problem area.  Try one! 
And, before you go take a look at my New Patient Form which is provided for the convenience of all new patients.  You are welcome to download it, fill it out and bring it in for your first consultation. 
I can be reached at the Home Office: 1044 Two Island Road – 902-254-3232. You can of course also use our Contact us.
Don’t let the pain of sports injuries, home or vehicle accidents, work trauma or the tension of everyday stress lead you to suffer chronic neck, back or limb pain.  Working and playing with pain takes its toll on your day-to-day life and may even influence those around you who care that you are hurting.  Feel free to call me at either of the office numbers to set up an appointment to learn how chiropractic can help you.

Thank you so much for visiting and I hope to treat you soon.